2010年4月、ハワイ大学マノア校のReed Dasenbrock副学長が来日され、龍谷大学の入学式で祝辞を述べられました。私はその通訳をさせていただいたのですが、ダーセンブルック副学長のスピーチは「縁(interconnectedness)」に関する実に素晴らしい内容のものでしたので、法学部日記にも同スピーチを再録させていただきます。
Good morning.
President Wakahara, honored guests, members of the faculty, and above all, the new students who are here today, I bring you all aloha from Hawaii. It is a great honor and privilege for me to represent the University of Hawaii at the entrance ceremony for the new class of 2010-2011 of Ryukoku University. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to President Wakahara for his kind invitation.
I wish to extend my heartiest congratulations to all of the new students here today (omedeto gozaimasu). The culture of the university is one in which we honor tradition and honor our forebears, so you are fortunate to be at a university with such a long and honorable tradition, having been founded in 1639 to train monks for Nishi Hongan-ji, which indeed dates back to 1272.
Japan and Hawaii have a special relationship, commemorated in 2009 by the visit of the Emperor and Empress, and Ryukoku University and the University of Hawaii have a close relationship that I hope will become even closer as a result of my visit here this week.
What you may not know is that Ryukoku began educating people in Hawaii even before the founding of the University of Hawaii in 1907: the largest and most impressive temple in Honolulu is the Honpa Hongwanji Mission, which is a Jodo Shinshu temple, and from the beginning it has been staffed by ministers trained here at Ryokoku. So when you come to Hawaii, you will come to a place to which you are already connected, just as I am already connected to you here.
That cycle of interconnectedness, central to all of the teachings of the Buddha, is something everyone on the planet needs to be aware of. All of us affect one another, all of us are really part of one another. Whatever you are here to study, whatever your career path is, wherever life leads you, always keep that in mind.
As we tackle the issues and problems that face us today, we all need to have compassion for and understanding of all living beings. This is the area of our common ground, and as the need for a broader and deeper understanding of the world grows, we look forward to working together—Ryukoku and Hawaii, Kyoto and Honolulu, Japan and the United States—to help both of us meet the challenges of effectively
understanding an increasingly complex world.
In closing, let me again express my congratulations to each and every one of you on the start of your university life. To share a quotation from the Honorable Buddha, “your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it.” Best wishes during your academic career at Ryukoku and thank you for your attention. Mahalo.
このinterconnectedness、すなわち仏教でいうところの「縁」のサイクルこそが、ブッダの教えの核心であり、すべての人間が知るべき事柄なのです。私たちすべてはお互いがお互いに影響し合っているのであり、その意味で、私たちすべてがお互いの部分、そのものなのです。みなさんがここで何を学び、今後どのようにキャリアを積み重ね、どのような人生を歩んでいかれるにしても、そのことを、常に、心に、留めておいてください。「私たちすべてがお互いの部分、そのものなのです」。今日直面する課題や問題に取り組もうとするとき、私たちには、自己を含むすべての生きものへの思いやりと理解が必要です。これこそが私たちのcommon ground、すなわち「共通する立ち位置」でなければならないはずです。そして、世界に対するより広く、より深い理解の必要性が今後一層強まれば強まるほど、龍谷大学とハワイ大学、京都とホノルル、日本とアメリカ合衆国といった異なる二つの存在が、今日ますます複雑化するこの世界を適確に理解するという、誠に困難極まりない営為を達成するために、互いに助け合い、共に働くということが期待できるようになるのです。